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14 October 2021

Ambassador presses case for eye health access

Ireland's Ambassador to the United Nations, Geraldine Byrne Nason, joined UN diplomats for a unique sight screening to mark World Sight Day (WSD).

As co-chair of the UN Friends of Vision group, Ambassador Byrne Nason joined other UN diplomats and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness and Global World Sight Day partner OneSight. She also had her sight tested at the event.

She said: "On World Sight Day, Ireland's message is that eye health has the power to unlock human potential. We know that poor eye health is both a cause of and effect of inequality for women, children, older people and those with disabilities. We know that giving a child eye glasses can dramatically impact on the quality of education they can access. We know that eye health directly impacts the ability of many to access decent work, and contribute to economic growth."

WSD follows a landmark UN Resolution earlier this year called Vision for Everyone, accelerating action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Ambassador Nason added: "This resolution highlighted that eye health is not only an important discussion in the field of health, but is also highly relevant to achieving gender equality, quality education, zero hunger, and economic growth."

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