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31 May 2024

FODO Ireland member update - 31 May

This month:

Minister Donnelly reiterates commitment to prioritising eye care funding

In correspondence with FODO Ireland, Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly confirmed that increasing the fee payable to contractors for a standard eye examination under the COSS is a priority within his Department. It will ensure parity with that payable for the same exam under the Department of Social Protection's Treatment Benefit Scheme.

He confirmed that transferring the care of children aged 8+ years to local optometrists is also high on the agenda.

Minister Donnelly said funding needed for these priority areas is included in the Estimates 2025 process between the Department of Health and Department for Public Expenditure.

In the run-up to the 2025 budget announcement, FODO Ireland will step up our engagement with the Departments and TDs to reinforce the need for the funding to deliver the Minister's commitments.

We seek your support in contacting key stakeholders to make sure these priorities are not lost in the turbulence around the estimates process and the upcoming general election. We'll provide a full briefing.

Click here to receive the briefing direct

Changes to Irish employment law

In 2023, the Government made significant changes to employment law, including a minimum wage increase and rights for different types of leave. In 2024, more changes are planned.

Read more

ECOO's manifesto for eye health and vision

The European Council for Optometry and Optics (ECOO) has published its manifesto ahead of the European Parliament elections.

Read more

WCO competency framework for optometry

The World Council of Optometry (WCO) has launched its new competency framework for optometry, outlining the competencies expected of optometry graduates globally.

Divided into five domains - refractive error, visual function assessment, ocular health and diseases, public health, and professional practice - the framework provides a comprehensive set of competency statements and core curriculum elements supporting optometrist development.

Read the full framework.


The FODO Group, which includes FODO Ireland, held its AGM on 15 May 2024, and presented the annual report 2023 and statement of accounts.

Read the full summary.






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